I love this entry, and I completely agree with the message 😄 “what can I do with my ordinary life to make it extraordinary” is such an important question that more people should ask themselves. There should be less focus on accolades, and more focus on just enriching our lives with beautiful experiences.

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Thank you so much Daisy Anne! I agree with you that probably more people would be happier if they tried to maximize the number of beautiful experiences in their lives rather than compare their "level of success" to others. And what's even better is that many of the best things in life are free, or cost very little. Nature, music, movies, books, parks, sports, etc. are very accessible to most and offer great opportunities for enjoyment, fun, adventure, and the chance to gain deeper insights about life and the universe. Any day can be an extraordinary day with the right mindset. 🥳

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Yes, exactly! Nature and the arts are the best parts of life, and thanks to parks, gardens, libraries, and museums, they are available to everyone. Even music can be enjoyed for free on YouTube 😊 ignoring what society views as important are the keys to happiness in my view.

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Oh man I still have to see Dead Poets Society! And the "crowds of people cheering you on" reminds me of two things (ideas from other people). 1. When we feel most alone we actually have people on our team, we just don't know who they are yet, or we've forgotton who they are 2. (This one is a direct quote from Gabethebassplayer.com...

"Your fans think they’re really smart for liking what you do. They believe they have good taste and have discovered an oasis in the crowded streets of content.

They know it’s unlikely you’ll hit a home run every time but they also like being the kind of people who are along for the ride, the kind of people who give another chance, the kind of people who are curious and loyal and gracious enough to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Keep finding ways to affirm and reward these people." Which is a nice way of being extraordinary whether your the fan, or the "star."

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Yes! "Dead Poets Society" is a perfect movie; a must-see. I also agree with your point #1. You're never truly alone because it's likely that you have things in common with lots of other people. It's just a matter of joining others in activities and you could suddenly be in a crowd of thousands of people who share your same interest(s). I wrote a bit about this concept in, "Movie Wisdom On Making Friends": https://moviewise.substack.com/p/movie-wisdom-on-making-friends

And I think this dovetails nicely with your point #2. When you like something and find others who like the same, everyone feels that they have good taste. 🤗 I guess you affirm and reward them by finding even more things you may have in common.

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