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moviewise Cordially Invites You To Share Your Movie Recommendations
If you've ever felt that you learned something about life from one of your *favorite* movies, please share it with us 🤗
Image by moviewise from RedBubble
Do you have a favorite movie that you feel influenced you in some way?
Chances are that movie has a message that resonated with you.
Now you have the opportunity to share your story with the “moviewise” audience!
🔔 You are hereby cordially invited to publish your very own post on moviewise: Life Lessons From Movies! Share with the world your favorite, most impactful, most wonderful, and most profound movies. Simply answer these two questions:
What movie do YOU find meaningful?
What Life Lesson (useful message/moral or insight about life) have you learned from watching this movie?
Then write about the life lesson you learned or found personally meaningful in the movie you chose, and present your most important movie wisdom, or practical advice learned from a movie, right here for all to see in a Guest Post!
You’re only responsible for the middle part of the post, after the “Guest Writer” header. The one sentence summary of the movie and the Life Lesson come from the “moviewise" catalogue on WordPress:
But of course the “life lesson” you take away from the movie can be something different. It’s whatever you want it to be, and you have the “Guest Post" space to write about it. Please note that not all submissions will be accepted. Articles should be in-depth reviews that convey real, personal, and/or meaningful insights about life.
There is no upper limit on the length, but it should be at least three paragraphs long, with some concrete examples from the movie, e.g. a description of a movie scene, a snippet of dialogue, a philosophical theme, etc. Some light editing for grammar and clarity may be done on your submission. Please note that movies with excessive violence or graphic sexual content will not be accepted.
When you are ready with your post, just send an email with the text. Please do not send attachments or links, but do include an image/picture and a one sentence bio to go underneath it for publication.
(e-mail: for more details; there’s no monetary payment.)
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Life Lesson: You regret the things you haven’t done, not the things you have done.
Terrence Bundley (Terence Stamp): I want you to invite yes into your lives because it will RSVP ‘yes.’ When you say yes to things, you embrace the possible.
📰 moviewise Media Mentions:
Publication: Giddy (
Author/Reporter: Gabi Conti
Publication Date: March 03, 2023
🎙moviewise Interviews:
Movie Mom (Nell Minow) interviews moviewise!
Q: “Do all movies have a moral lesson?
A: No, not all movies have moral lessons. In the process of becoming a film critic, I have found that movies fall into one of two categories: “movies as entertainment” or “movies as art.” The distinction between the two lies in whether there is a message integrated in the film. Movies that are diversions, that primarily function to amuse or to thrill, are in the “entertainment” category. Most slapsticks, horror films, and special effects movies fall in this category. They do not have a substantive message. On the other hand, movies that make audiences feel and think, that continue to stimulate them after the movie has ended, that inspire conversation about ideas, are in the “art” category. All the movies on moviewise are in this latter category.
This is not to say that the “entertainment” category is bad. There is nothing wrong with wanting to watch a movie just to have a little fun and feel some excitement. I do not think that all movies need to have a message or a Life Lesson. In fact, it is important to have variety and to have movies that function in different ways. I personally value the films that seem to be revealing the beliefs and consciousness of the filmmaker more than the films that are devoid of that connection. But I enjoy many different kinds of films.
Q: Do you have a go-to “feel good” movie?
A:My go-to “feel good” movie is actually a Pixar short, only about 5 minutes long, called Boundin’ (2003). When I was going through a really stressful time in my life, I would watch that movie every night before going to bed, and it would make me smile and feel better. It is a story about a lamb whose beautiful coat is suddenly shorn, leaving him naked and exposed to ridicule, until a Jackalope comes along and teaches him to look at his situation differently. It then becomes a story about resiliency, about taking the bumps and bruises that come with life, but finding ways to still have joy. I think I have internalized this story, and whenever I feel down I remember the line, “You still got a body, good legs and fine feet. Get your head in the right place and hey, you’re complete!” I appreciate that the movie acknowledges that it’s normal to have ups and downs, and that it’s ok because you can get through the rough patches and be happy again. I think that many people hide when they are feeling down, since it is seen as a sign of weakness, and I think that isolates them and makes them feel worse. So in a way this movie removes some of the stigma about showing vulnerability in public, by basically saying “so what?” Yes, something bad happened to you; yes, you were embarrassed; yes, it’s hard, but these things don’t have to define you and they don’t have to take away your happiness. The movie shows us a more positive reaction to disappointment than being miserable: bound and rebound, get up and continue doing what you love.”
(Excerpt from: Interview: moviewise — Movies to Teach Morality and Character)
Entertainment historian Sal St. George interviews moviewise!
🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞 of Deplatformable Newsletter interviews moviewise!
💫 moviewise Mentions:
The Daily Post mentions moviewise!
“moviewise: We like the simple and quick post concept of this site: a film, a life lesson, and a selected scene from the movie.”
Star Trekking mentions moviewise!
“Not too long ago I subscribed to a newsletter called ‘moviewise’ that aims to catalog the “life lessons” found in films.
Well, I bet you can already guess where I’m going with this.
What Life Lessons can we glean from Trek episodes?”
Kindness Magnet mentions moviewise!
“Do you like movies? Then I invite you to visit moviewise, an intriguing newsletter about the life lessons we can learn from movies! It has some terrific movie reviews.”
70 Years Old. WTF! mentions moviewise!
“moviewise is a worthwhile Substack. I’m a subscriber.
You might want to subscribe as well.”
The Script Mentor (Geno Scala) mentions moviewise!
A unique perspective on movies […] in the WordPress blog, "moviewise: Life Lessons From Movies." Using movie stories, moviewise breaks down the heart of many of the fan favorites and defines their theme, and how it can be used in teaching—and learning—some of life's hardest lessons.
"I just wanted to write down what I thought were the main messages, or Life Lessons, in movies I enjoyed. Each post is just a one line summary of a movie, the Life Lesson from it, and the movie scene that illustrates that Life Lesson. Then, in the Substack newsletter, I bring multiple movies together to discuss one Life Lesson in particular that I've learned. I think a lot of movies give good advice. There is a lot of wisdom embedded in them, and that's why "moviewise" was born!"
Joyce Wycoff’s Gratitude Mojo Cafe mentions moviewise!
Acclaimed Substack author, L.E. Wilson (moviewise) states in an interview, “I write moviewise: Life Lessons From Movies because great movies contain a lot of knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down to us through the generations. My hope is that these life lessons, or guides to life, will help people have better, happier lives.”
🎬 moviewise Collaborations:
The Fast Times collaborates with moviewise!
“Parental Wisdom /moviewise Selects 14 Films to Make Stronger Families”
“Our pals behind moviewise (another totally awesome film-loving blog) brought the heat of the night with this curated watchlist. Dig deep into this collection, find yourself, find the bigger meaning in life, you got this.”

Mary L. Tabor’s “Only Connect” collaborates with moviewise!
Part I :
Part II :
Life Lesson: Don’t get distracted from your life’s purpose.
Movie Scene:
You know what your problem is? It’s that you haven’t seen enough movies.
All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.
—Davis (Steve Martin) in Grand Canyon (1991)
Visit the moviewise catalogue—a searchable database of one sentence movie summaries, movie quotes, and movie wisdom—for movie recommendations.
Also visit the moviewise store. Get a t-shirt, bag, or pillow with your favorite #LifeLesson from a movie. Reply to this or leave a comment below to make a request.
My Take As Reels Roll
Life lessons learned from watching the movie 'Out Of Africa'
What movie did I find meaningful?
Movie: Out of Africa
What life lessons, messages or insight about life have I learned from the movie?
One should not give up a chance to see true beauty. When the universe calls and beckons you go, one must pay close attention, and that place for me was … is?🤔 ( know) Because you don't…’Time has no hold on destiny.’ 😊 That place for me.…Africa. First, Nigeria, then Ethiopia then Kenya and now North Africa …do ya suppose I should take the hint??. All events and travels have been drawing me to Asia.
Out of Africa is movie as expansive and beautiful as its male 🌟
Male and female relationships should not be rushed as a true pair bond can't be established or sustained without gentle understanding and mutual respect.
Quality of humanity and class structure ..humanity wins!
All pretty things cannot compare to the beauty and simplicity of the people you encounter on your travels.
‘Quality of character in the human spirit needs no polish'
I have found it quite amazing how one can call anywhere home when one has love, fulfillment, and purpose. But if and when just one of these qualities fail to meet expectations, a 'home' becomes empty, dark and daunting.
All one can do is return to their homeland where they feel safe, secure and sheltered until they are ready to venture out and try again.
De Crown <>
l write to provide readers variety and moments of reflection & repose. Humor & Music flavor my writing and my little paper minder is huge inspiration J’écris pour offrir aux lecteurs de la variété
Hi Moviewise! I now have a guest post for you - will send you an email!