Could go down a real rabbit hole of movies that are "of a time" and whether we excuse their short-sightedness with the wisdom we've gained or damn them for no longer holding to cultural norms. But in the interest of brevity, I adore teen movies precisely for the reason that you say--they explore identity, trying on new ones, casting off old ones, and ultimately embracing a little bit of everything. And, I do still love The Breakfast Club!

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Other than the larger theme of identity, I love how The Breakfast Club also raises the call for compassion. It is true that the core, we are not at all different from each other. I might rewatch this soon!

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Thank you for this post. I really appreciated it. It seems to mirror so much of what is happening in our world today. Judging others. Putting people into categories. Superficial 'chatter' without taking the time to understand each other at a deeper level.

Are we really so different, if we take away the labels, and just take the time to listen?

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